The next morning we got up and had breakfast and went at the designated time to the predesignated location. It was well organized where they would call you by color and number. There were lots of colors!! As a logistician I was amazed at how organized they were for this departure of 950 some odd guests.

We got to our hotel a little we had an early drink

I had asked my lovely wife to make sure her eyes were open...

We got on our excursion around Reykjavik

The Reykjavík Summit was a summit meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, held in Reykjavík, Iceland, on 11–12 October 1986. The talks collapsed at the last minute, but the progress that had been achieved eventually resulted in the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union. The house -The former french consulate, called Höfði, was the site of the Reykjavík Summit.

The Sun Voyager - The gleaming steel sculpture on Reykjavik’s splendid waterfront that resembles a Viking long-ship is the ‘Solfar’ or ‘Sun Voyager." To begin with, the Sun Voyager is not a Viking Ship. It is a dream boat and an ode to the sun. It represents the promise of undiscovered territory and a dream of hope, progress and freedom.

At an Icelandic Store we picked up a sweater for Sharon

We decided to go out for lunch

Then back to the hotel to get ready for our departure tomorrow morning

Across from our hotel-The US Embassy